
Hello and thanks for visiting my site. I'm always curious to see if anyone actually reads the "about me" sections of websites, so here we are, this is a little "about me". Of course if you'd like to know anymore it would be great to hear from you….!

So we start at the beginning… I studied Graphic Design at University before switching to Photography, a good choice for me I think. It enables me to use the same visual and design skills , however with Photography, I've always found it a very immediate way of getting visual ideas across. After leaving University I assisted some great photographers, building up my technical knowledge for about 5 years before setting myself up with my own clients and studio. This has been my life now for the last decade or so and I feel very lucky to be working with some wonderful clients.  

I like to think I'm quite low maintenance on set. I work to ensure all shoots are as stress free as possible– after all, don't we all work better that way, especially if you're trying to get the best out of someone. I've built up a good team of people around me, working closely with stylists, make-up artists and assistants, as well as location agencies and model agencies, so I am to able source, organise and produce any part of any commission. And that brings me to the best thing about my career; I get to work with great people, meet really interesting characters and go to very unexpected places, I love my job..........